Our Projects
Donate to Social Causes through Corporate Giving

If you are an Individual

Your donation can change lives - You can contribute financially by supporting campaigns on the platform

Your time can transform lives- If you want to be part of a movement that not only transforms grass root organisations, but also changes your perspective, consider volunteering as an option. Your time and expertise can be used to build strong community organisations as well as learn and grow from the experience. Learn more about our Volunteering program

If you are a Corporate or an Institution


As a corporate entity you seek to play an active role in bringing change to people’s lives. We share this desire and can support you in partnering with credible organisations across our various thematic areas and geographies. We not only help identify the right partner, but also provide support in monitoring and reporting of the project.

Engage Your Employees

Use our Payroll Giving Program to engage your employees and help them feel connected to a social cause by providing them an opportunity to make lasting change. Employees can contribute a certain amount from their monthly salary and choose from among the multiple campaigns we have.

Cause Related Marketing

You might want to include your support to an NGO as a part of the product packaging or contribute part of your overall sales – cause-related marketing can take various exciting forms. Brand partnerships that run fundraising campaigns, develop co-branded merchandise and impactful on-ground experiences are all options that you could choose.