Safe Society

Safe Society is a voluntary non-political, not for profit and non-government organization registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860, FCRA and 12(A), 80 G (5) under Income Tax Exemption Act. Safe Society was established as an organization in year 2005 with a noble mission to carry forth Mahatma Gandhi’s brainchild ideology called ‘GRAM SWARAJ’ emphasizing on the prominent role of Indian village economy in the country’s financial growth through self-governance and sustenance. Safe Society is currently functioning in Uttar Pradesh, some districts of Bihar and NCR region and headquartered at Gorakhpur city with an objective to enhance the socioeconomic status of the deprived communities of this region. With its broad vision towards the holistic development of the poorest of poor communities, Safe has launched wide variety of programs under thematic areas namely-

  1. Child Rights
  2. Gender Equality
  3. Public Health
  4. Livelihood.

Safe Society is mandated to empower communities by empowering the poorest of poor and marginalized communities.

Safe’s targeted focus is to promote quality of life in rural areas, foster sustainable working links/informal partnership at community level, rejuvenate community ownership to fire up self-sustainability for all necessities of quality life with special emphasis on empowerment of most deprived sections of the community and to put them on the threshold of development and growth through education and equal participation in development initiatives.


Our Vision

We visualize a society where substantial avenues are accessible to the poorest of the poor communities regardless of their social and economic origins, identifying them as visible inhabitants.

Our Mission

Our mission is to nurture awareness among underdeveloped, deprived of basic rights such as shelter, food and stable means of livelihood still considered downtrodden and poorest of poor communities and empower them to be able to gain control over all factors that affect their lives. We aim to create a healthy environment where each person in our society irrespective of their socio-economic background would become self-depended to positively contribute towards nation building.

Legal Details

Certificate Details


Contact Details

196 Z, Manas Vihar Colony, Sangam Chauraha, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273014
Audited Financial Statement

Click on the link below to access the Audited Financial Statement of the NGO

Latest Annual Report

Click on the link below to access the Latest Annual Report of the NGO

Board Member Details

Click on the link below to access the Board Member Details of the NGO


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