Our Projects

INDIAdonates collaborates with Noida based corporate May 12, 2023

Friday, 12th May, 2023 marked an important event in Junior High School, Dhoom Manikpur with the commencement of Infrastructure Development activities in the school. The students of the school had been putting up with washrooms that are dilapidated and broken, non-hygienic, unclean and unsanitary. INDIAdonates, supported by Roto Pumps have taken up a project to reconstruct the washrooms, clean and upgrade them and make provision for running water. A brand new handwashing station with running water will also be built for the students. Noida based NGO Sadrag will be implementing the infrastructure development project. 

An Inauguration Event was held on Friday to mark the initiation of this important work and to inculcate the importance of sanitation and hygiene among the students. The Event was attended by Mr. Kuldeep Tiwari, Deputy Manager, Corporate Affairs and Mr. Anuj Kumar, Executive HR from Roto Pumps, Ms. Anuradha Singh, Trustee, INDIAdonates as well as Retd. Major General Praveen Kumar, Advisory Board Member at Sadrag. The guests along with Ms. Shushma Rani, Principal of JHS, Dhoom Manikpur marked the initiation of the good work with a symbolic tree plantation ceremony. 

Addressing the students, Ms. Anuradha Singh, Trustee of INDIAdonates talked about the central role sanitation and hygiene plays in ensuring health, well-being and good education for children. The children pledged to not only practice good hygiene but also to keep their school and surroundings clean and green. 


Venue Details

Junior High School- Dhoom Manikpur