INDIAdonates is working to improve the quality of education for girls from marginalized communities in Jharkhand, India. In partnership with Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra, we will be operating remedial classes for 150 girls in 5 government schools. These classes will be held before and after regular school hours and will focus on providing individualized attention and support to girls who are first-generation learners and behind in their studies. Please consider donating to this important cause.
INDIAdonates was founded in 2018 by Dr Sanjay Patra and Mr Sandeep Sharma to support small and mid-sized IndianNGOs. We provide a transparent and secure platform for donors to support causes they care about and assist NGOs with funding, training, and support to improve their out reach and impact. We partner with trusted charity organizations and follow principles of transparency and accountability in all our work.